Draft programme open for comments, GDC consultation and YOUthDIG record
Feb. 13, 2023,
EuroDIG 2023 draft programme is here!
After the Public Planning Meeting earlier this month, the inputs and ideas from the community were put into a draft programme for the upcoming EuroDIG (June 19-21 in Tampere, Finland), which you can find on the EuroDIGWiki.
The main programme is structured across three topics:
- Impact of the war
- Internet fragmentation
- Digital platforms
Our basis for the sessions were proposals that were submitted in the open Call for Issues.
We now welcome feedback and comments on the draft programme until February 26! Please send us your ideas through this online form.
Global Digital Compact: Contribute until end of February
The European Stakeholder Consultation to the Global Digital Compact (GDC) is still open until February 28 and we encourage you to contribute your ideas on our commenting platform!
EuroDIG’s submission to the global survey will take into account relevant discussions at recent EuroDIG meetings and summarises the contributions from this stakeholder consultation and is chaired by Mark Carvell.
New record in YOUthDIG Call for Applications
The Call for Applications ended on Friday and we have a new record of applications – over 250! 30 participants will be selected to take part in YOUthDIg2023 (June 16-19 in Tampere). The program is organised by the YOUthDIG team Edgar Brutiani, Andreea Barbu, João Gomes and Virginija Balciunaite and coordinated by Nadia Tjahja.
EuroDIG Secretariat
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