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Kicking off IGF 2023

March 7, 2023

Starting tomorrow (March 8), the first IGF2023 Open Consultations and MAG (Multistakeholder Advisory Group) Meeting are taking place at the IGF premises in Vienna in a hybrid fashion. 

The meeting will focus on discussing IGF 2023 strategic objectives, planning the intersessional work and the programme of the 18th annual IGF meeting hosted in Kyoto, Japan.

During the first day, in which the Open Consultation is held, the IGF community can give input. The MAG Meeting on Day 2 and 3 is open to observers.

In order to participate on-site or online, registration is required: https://intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2023-first-open-consultations-and-mag-meeting 

EuroDIG is taking place June 19-21, providing European perspectives at the IGF 2023 and other fora.

Recordings: Shaping the Main Topics

In case you couldn’t participate in our open meetings last week in which the community discussed the EuroDIG 2023 Main Topics, you can rewatch the sessions here: https://www.eurodig.org/get-involved/planning-process/#tab-programme-planning 


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