Contribution to the GDC and Meet the Focal Points Emilia Zalewska and Markku Turunen
May 4, 2023
EuroDIG contribution to the Global Digital Compact
We have published the EuroDIG stakeholder community’s response to the Tech Envoy’s online consultation for the Global Digital Compact, which closed on April 30. You can find the document and accompanying information on the process atÂ
Meet the Focal Points – Emilia Zalewska and Markku Turunen
Today, we want to introduce you to two of our Focal Points. Emilia Zalewska, who is coordinating the session planning of Subtopic 1 on Digital Platforms and Markku Turunen who chairs the Flash Session on the EU Accessibility Directive.
Emilia Zalewska is a lawyer and youth activist in the field of ICT technologies. Currently, she works for National Research Institute NASK as a specialist for Strategic Analysis in Cybersecurity. Her main fields of interest are security in the area of digital platforms and emerging technologies like AI. Emilia is also a co-founder and coordinator of Youth IGF Poland – an initiative that aims to bring young Polish people closer to the topic of the Internet and digital technologies. Last year, she served the role of Eastern Europe Representative at the Youth Coalition on Internet Governance steering committee. She graduated from the University of Warsaw in two faculties: Law and Applied Animal Psychology.
Markku Turunen, PhD, professor of Interactive Technology. Professor Turunen is leading the Pervasive Interaction Research Group (PIRG) which has completed approx. 80 funded research projects, He has around 250 publications on human-technology interaction and related areas. PIRG is a part of the Tampere Unit for Computer-Human Interaction (TAUCHI), which is the largest research unit in human-technology interaction in Finland. Recently, prof. Turunen established TACCU – Tampere Accessibility Unit with two of his colleagues from language studies. TACCU has become in three years the leading unit in accessibility research and education, and it offers the most comprehensive master’s level accessibility education in the world. Prof Turunen is also leading the international master’s program “Sustainable Digital Life” (social sciences). Previously, he was leading the “Human-Technology Interaction” (computing sciences) international master’s program for years. He teaches actively in both programs. This makes his work to be in the intersection of computing and societal sciences.
Get ready for EuroDIG 2023 in Tampere!
Please register now for EuroDIG so that we can better plan how many participants we can welcome in person in Tampere. We have summarised some logistical details on transport and hotels for you here:Â
If you would like to get involved in the session planning join one of the Org Teams. Simply subscribe to the mailing list which you can find via the Consolidated programme on each session page under Get involved!
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