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EuroDIG Messages 2023 open for comments

During last week’s meeting, messages on the three EuroDIG 2023 main topics were drafted with the support of the Geneva Internet Platform. The participants collaboratively discussed them at the end of the meeting and the Org Teams had the opportunity to implement the proposed changes.

Now, we want to hear from you! Comment on the current draft until Sunday, July 2 at comment.eurodig.org 

The final messages are always publicly available and will be communicated to relevant stakeholders and presented at different fora, such as the UN Internet Governance Forum 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.


EuroDIG 2023 materials

Materials such as transcripts and recordings from all sessions are being uploaded continuously. You can find them by selecting the session in the programme on https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Consolidated_programme_2023

All resources are gathered on the EuroDIG Wiki.



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