EuroDIG 2023 full documentation is online
Pictures from Tampere
EuroDIG 2023 in Tampere, Finland was captured in pictures that you can now access on Flickr.
We were lucky to be hosted at Tampere University with wonderful weather and engaging social events, as well as being able to witness many insightful sessions organised and realised by the EuroDIG community.
EuroDIG 2023 full documentation online
Have you missed a session of EuroDIG 2023 or do you want to go back to refresh your memory about a specific topic? The documentation of this year’s conference is now complete. You can access all recordings and transcripts of the main sessions on the EuroDIG Wiki by clicking on the icons or by opening the session page. For quick overview and access, the programme and materials are also available on the EuroDIG website.
The EuroDIG Messages are currently being finalised after they were drafted with the support of the Geneva Internet Platform during EuroDIG and were opened for comments after the meeting. The final version will soon be published and presented in different fora, such as the UN Internet Governance Forum 2023 in Kyoto, Japan.
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