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Messages from Tampere are out


During EuroDIG 2023, which took place from June 19 to 21 in Tampere, Finland, and the pre-event YOUthDIG, messages were drafted to reflect the discussions and policy deliberations. 

The three main topics of EuroDIG were “impact of the war”, “Internet fragmentation” and “digital platforms”. Those were all considered from different perspectives in the event and the state of these discussions can be found  in the messages, as well as the outcomes of the  opening plenary, of diverse workshops and of our youth programme YOUthDIG, which included a plethora of other aspects of Internet governance as well.

After discussion at the end of the conference, review by the Org Teams and an open commenting phase, the messages are now public. They will be presented in different policy fora such as the UN Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto, Japan in October. We encourage all EuroDIG community members to spread the word as well!

The current version of the messages can be found on the EuroDIG Wiki (https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Messages_2023 and https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/YOUthDIG_2023) and on the website. 

In the section EuroDIG 2023 you can find gathered resources on this year’s conference.


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