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EuroDIG Extra: UN Summit of the Future and the Global Digital Compact


On October 1, 2024 at 14:00-15:30 CEST (12:00-13:30 UTC), the 6th EuroDIG Extra is going to take place online. We will discuss the outcomes of the UN Summit of the Future, which concluded in New York on September 23. During the Summit, the UN member states agreed on a Pact for the Future, to which the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the Declaration on Future Generations were incorporated as annexes.

The EuroDIG community has contributed to the process leading up to the GDC and the Summit. You can find our documentation here. In this EuroDIG Extra, we therefore invite you to join the conversation on the newest developments and the next steps to implementation.

Register here to participate in the EuroDIG Extra on October 1.


EuroDIG Secretariat

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