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Unique collaboration between the Baltic Domain Days and EuroDIG 2024


The Baltic Doman Days (BDD) are a domain industry event focusing specifically on the Baltic countries, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. BDD will be held as part of EuroDIG 2024 in Vilnius on 17–19 June.

You can find more information on the proposed topics of the BDD track on the EuroDIG website.


Lithuanian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

As part of the Lithuanian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, we are expecting Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, to attend the EuroDIG.

The chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers is held for a six-month term in turn by the representatives of the members of the Council of Europe in English alphabetical order. Lithuania takes over the presidency from Liechtenstein in mid-May 2024. 


Don’t forget to register for the Public Planning Meeting!

The meeting takes place on February 6 online and offers an opportunity to contribute to the programme of EuroDIG 2024. Kindly register here in order to receive the call-in information.


Apply for YOUthDIG and spread the word!

We are looking for young people from all over Europe to join YOUthDIG, a pre-event to EuroDIG focusing on capacity-building, insights into digital policy and networking. Applicants have to submit until February 14. More information is available here.


EuroDIG Secretariat

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