Last chance to contribute to the Call for Issues
With the end of the year coming closer, we’d like to encourage you to share your ideas for topics in the Call for Issues for EuroDIG2024 until December 31!
Everyone can submit up to three issues, which will be taken as the basis for the programme next year. Topics should be digital policy issues relevant to the European context and of high interest to different stakeholders. Even if you have never participated in a EuroDIG meeting before, you can start getting involved by submitting a short thematic description on the EuroDIG website.
Next steps in programme planning
After the Call for Issues, the submissions will be consolidated and analysed. The next opportunity to discuss and contribute ideas to the programme will be the public planning meeting for EuroDIG 2024 in Vilnius. The meeting is planned for early February. Details will be shared soon and we hope to welcome EuroDIG newcomers as well as established community members!
Happy seasonal break!
This is our last newsletter of 2023, the EuroDIG Secretariat will be back with news and updates in the second week of January. We wish all who celebrate happy holidays and a good start to 2024!
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