Meet EuroDIG at the Internet Governance Forum 2024 in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) this year will take place in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 15 to 19 December 2024 as a hybrid meeting. The theme is “Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future”.
The EuroDIG Secretariat will be present with an on-site booth in the Global IGF Village and virtually. We also invite to the European Stakeholder Networking Session .

Join our Networking Session!
(17 Dec 2024, 17:00 Riyadh time, IGF Village Stage)

EuroDIG has successfully acquired a European Stakeholder Networking Session under the IGF Sub-Theme Harnessing innovation and balancing risks in the digital space.

Very timely, our annual meeting in June was held under the overarching theme “Balancing innovation and regulation” where we brought together communities that are sharing the same goal and delved critically into topics such as regulation of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, GovTech and digital transformation, sustainability in technology, and the impact of emerging technologies on society and the economy. During the IGF we would like to share and discuss with the global community our results on the basis of the “Messages from Vilnius”.

Meet us at the booth!

We are up for a talk with you and are happy to offer the booth as a meeting point for bilateral meetings.  In addition we will be promoting:

Contact us to order hard copies of all publications. We will send them within Europe at no costs.
You can download the presentation we show at our boot as pdf (13.3 MB).

IGF sessions with European involvement

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IGF sessions in 2024 with European involvement either as an organiser, speaker or moderator

IGF session titleSession typeRole at the sessionName and Affiliation
European Stakeholder Networking SessionNetworking SessionorganiserEuroDIG Secretrariat
Internet rights protectionNetworking SessionorganiserMarina Shentsova, UNECE
Regionalism and the IGFWorkshoporganiserNadia Tjahja, United Nations University – CRIS
Where is your allegiance?
Wearing multiple hats in multistakeholder Internet governance / GigaNet Annual Symposium
Pre-Event (Day 0 Event)speakerNadia Tjahja, United Nations University – CRIS
DC-Interplanetary: Toward the Interplanetary Internet – the digital governanceDynamic Coalition SessionorganiserRoberto Gaetano, Independent consultant
Children in the MetaverseWorkshoporganiserTorsten Krause, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Age aware IoT – better IoTDynamic Coalition SessionorganiserTorsten Krause, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Overregulation: Balance Policy and Innovation in TechnologyWorkshopspeakerNatálie Terčová, IGF Czechia
Youth-Led Digital Futures: Integrating Perspectives and GovernanceWorkshopspeakerNatálie Terčová, IGF Czechia
Child Sexual Abuse in Digital Spaces: Youth and SurvivorsLightning TalkorganiserNatálie Terčová, IGF Czechia
Transformative digital inclusion: Building a gender-responsive and inclusive framework for the underservedDynamic Coalition SessionorganiserMaria De Brasdefer, IFLA
Contributing to the GDC: The IGF’s Community of Dynamic Coalitions’ Support for Sustainable Digital DevelopmentMain SessionorganiserJoão Rocha Gomes, University of Porto + Ada Health